

Reduce Your Travel Footprint by using Public Transport.

The emissions from travelling to the festival make up 80% of the entire festivals carbon footprint (source: The Show Must go On Report, 2015).

See the best way to travel via public transport here.

Reduce Your Travel Footprint by Using Public Transport

Coming to Longitude by bus or coach will not only reduce total CO2 emissions, it will also help to reduce congestion in the car parks and on the surrounding roads.

Travelling by bus or coach to the event is by far the lowest impact way to travel if you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint attending the event.

If you travel alone to the event by car, you are emitting more than ten times the amount of CO2 than if you travelled to the event by coach.

Travelling by the concert shuttle from Dublin City Centre to the festival takes 30 minutes approx

Travelling Dublin Bus from Dublin City Centre to the festival takes 40 minutes approx.

Here’s how the CO2 emissions pan out per person….*

Coach – Full Coach: 26 grams CO2 per passenger mile

Car – Four People: 86 grams CO2 per passenger mile

Car – Three People: 115 grams CO2 per passenger mile

Car – Two People: 172 grams CO2 per passenger mile

Car – One Person: 344 grams CO2 per passenger mile

* Rounded figures for these calculations were taken From DEFRA July 2007 Report: Passenger Transport Emissions Factors."